Take Action

As a 100% local and grassroots movement, we are relying on members of the community to help Montclair join the 98% of other New Jersey municipalities where voters rather than mayors decide who sets education policy, by winning the current referendum on a change to an elected BOE.


We’re working to keep our campaign a small-money local affair, but will also be spending some cash over the next month on print flyers and online campaigns to get the word out. If you’d like to make a donation towards this the best way is via the button above, where you can use the credit or debit card of your choice, or PayPal. Those who would like to donate via paper check, bank transfer or some other method should drop us a line at hello@votemontclair.org. Note that we only accept donations from individuals who live in Montclair, and that donations are non tax-deductible.

Canvassing and Outreach

As much or more than money we need help with canvassing and outreach. If you have a little time over the coming weeks and can distribute a few flyers or give a home to one of our nice yard signs, please fill out this form or let us know at hello@votemontclair.org.

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