Vote Montclair is a grass-roots, non-partisan “good government” organization aimed at countering the murky insider politics that dominates civic life in the Township.
It is a registered New Jersey CPC (Continuing Political Committee), meaning it can advocate for legislation and endorse candidates. By law it has two officers (chairman Erik D’Amato and treasurer Clifford M. Kulwin) but in practice is a loose collective of citizens. It is happy to accept donations from supporters, provided they are individuals who live in Montclair. Note that donations are non tax-deductible.
If you’d like to be publicly listed as a supporter of Vote Montclair or offer a testimonial, or otherwise get in touch, give us a shout at
Selected Supporters and Testimonials
Aditi Piplani
Adrienne Toscano
Alex Zarenin
Alison Simon
Ari Laura Kreith
Ayelet Nelson
Badia Abdus-Salaam
Bruce Tyler
Camesha Cawley
Christine Marcarian
Daniel Federman
Debbi Bernstein
Deirdre Birmingham
Erin Sircy
Erik D’Amato (coordinator)
H Donnelly
Heather Dibble
Jada Roman
Jason Sargis
Jennifer Jensen
Jennifer Otero
Jill Nadison
John Hearn
Joni Cohen
Joy Glenn
Julianne Augusta Eremic
Karen E. Thompson
Kristin Duszak
Laura Farrell
Laura Fitzgerald
Leslie Rubisch
Lisa Siegartel
Madeline Gale
Marissa Rothkopf
Meryl Tillis
Michael Blaine
Michele Silver
Michelle Kovacs
Nancy Ring
Nina Baber
Paul Nickason
Pax Wassermann
Rachel Martens
Rebecca Kim
Reyna Lopez
Richard Reynics
RM Bruce
Robin Sterling
Samantha Mulcahy (Mather)
Sarah Kanter
Sarah Williams
Scott Kessler
Shuba Vasan
Stacy Berman
Stephanie A. Thompson
Susan Gardner
Vicky Orlofsky
Wendy Jones-Epstein
Zoe La Salandra
“As a long-term resident and a local public education advocate, I am very encouraged by these initiatives. It is time for Montclair and its residents to stop sitting on the laurels of the past, and be a progressive leader of the future. These initiatives can help us get there.” — Selma Avdicevic
“Time for a modern BOE” — Jaime Bedrin
“I support open and free elections for the BOE in Montclair. Grateful for everyone’s efforts on this front.” — Elizabeth Cuccaro
“I’m a Montclair resident who previously lived in South Orange, where every year voters get their say on who sits on the BOE. Montclair may have a lot going for it, but on voter participation in education for now South Orange and Maplewood clearly have the edge.” — Richard Eigen