
An updated inside look at the finances of the campaign for an elected board of education in Montclair

Back in May, when the Montclair Township clerk certified our petition to have our local school board reclassified from an appointed Type I to an elected Type II, we published a detailed look at the finance of the effort. The idea was to not only be transparent about our finances, but also to demonstrate thatContinue reading “An updated inside look at the finances of the campaign for an elected board of education in Montclair”

Statement on the victory of the Elected Board of Education referendum in Montclair

This election was about the basics of local democracy and public services: About residents in our Township enjoying the same voting rights as in other communities, and then using these rights to ensure that our most precious residents—our children—are given the best public education possible. The effort to give Montclair an elected Board of EducationContinue reading “Statement on the victory of the Elected Board of Education referendum in Montclair”

Montclair League of Women Voters’ president outed as letter-writing “sock puppet”

One of the major ironies of the referendum for an elected Board of Education in Montclair is the awkward fact that the group that is fighting most doggedly against giving township residents the right to vote for their local school board is the League of Women Voters of the Montclair Area, the regional branch ofContinue reading “Montclair League of Women Voters’ president outed as letter-writing “sock puppet””

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